Governor Scott vetoed Senate Bill 718 a/k/a the “alimony reform bill. ”
Governor Scott’s Letter Explaining His Veto Decision
Governor Scott’s cited the retroactive application of the bill because it “tampers with settled economic expectation” of the parties. Governor Scott also stated that “[a]limony has long been a key component of our domestic relations law. It represents an important remedy for our judiciary to use in providing support to families as they adjust to changes in life circumstances.” Please click on the following link to read Governor Scott’s letter.
Florida Alimony Reform’s Reaction
The leading Florida alimony reform group, Florida Alimony Reform (Florida Alimony Reform no longer exists in its past form), was disappointed stating:
“GOVERNOR SCOTT PUTS HALT TO ALIMONY REFORM and Vetoes the Alimony Reform Bill SB718. It is an understatement to say we are EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED!”
Alimony Reform Legislation Will Likely Be Back Next Year
Considering the wide support for alimony reform in the Legislature, another reform bill will likely be back next year. FAR is a very proactive organization with allies in the Florida Legislature. I doubt they will wait long before lobbying for a new bill for next year’s legislative session.
The problem with this year’s bill, in my opinion, was that it was too broad. As Governor Scott indicated, it had retroactive application that could disrupt settled economic expectations. The bill also made changes to child time-sharing (a/k/a custody) laws and changes to short term alimony that were problematic. The bill should have focused on permanent alimony.
Contact The Taylor Law Office
If you have questions about alimony in the Jacksonville, Florida area, please contact us at 904-339-5298 or through this website. Your first consultation is free.